Saturday, November 7, 2009


Today Jordyn Kelly is 5 years old. She has been so excited for this birthday. This is the first year that she has really told us exactly what she wants for the birthday and has told everyone that she either can or can’t do something (which everyone works to her advantage) because it is almost her birthday and she will be 5.

4-22-06 jordyn coke2

Jordyn at about 18 moths with her Coke


Jojo 2 on the lift with Daddy at Sunrise


Jordyn almost 3 yes still sucking a binky with her kitty

Oct 9, 2009 043

Here she is today 5 years old. She is such a sweet little thing. Jordyn is a very hard worker and when she starts a job she will not stop till it is done right. She also loves animals, sometimes a bit to much.

We are so proud of her and what a fun little ball of personality she is.

Sunday, November 1, 2009




Cody’s 1st time cleaning out pumpkins. He loved it.



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Sadie the Ninja

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Jordyn the Light Up Witch, but the light stopped working after about 3 min dang

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My skeleton boy!


It snowed here other day my kids were so excited to wake up to snow.







Sadie, Grandpa, Cody

A few weeks ago Sadie and Jojo had their Primary Program and my parents came up to watch them and to play. My mom decided it would be fun to let the girl stay with them next door at my Grandads house but I got a call at about 12:30 am telling me Jordyn was sick and throwing up so we got her cleaned up and back home. Then at about 5:30 someone was knocking on my bedroom window, yup it was my mom this time Sadie was sick.

Saturday JC, Jordyn, my parents and Grandad went to watch the soccer games and them went out to eat. Sadie and I stayed home and that night everyone was better so my mom made a Halloween craft they all had so much fun.


Jojo, Cody, Grandma, Sadie

Sunday Morning at about 6 or 6:30 I got another call, it was my mom AGAIN. This time Cody had gotten up early and went next door to see my parents without anyone knowing her was gone, it was freezing out side so he sat outside the door crying cause nobody heard him at the door and he was cold.