Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bed Time Blues

OK please tell me I am not the only Mom out there who's child calls them in a million times at night, "Mama, I need another drink" "Mama, I'm hot" "Mama, my finger hurts" and so on...
Well I came up with an idea. I made Sadie "Bed time Coins" I give her one coin every night when I tuck her in. If she stays in bed and does not call for me or get up she gets to keep her coin and put it in her jar.
If she does decide to get up or call for me she has to give me back her coin. Each one is worth 15 min. She gets one Sunday night through Thursday night. Friday evening we count up all her coins and she gets to trade them in for "stay up late time" that night, fifteen minutes past her bed time for each coin she has earned. She also has the chance to win a bonus 15 min coin. If she stays in her bed every night and gets all 5 coins in her jar she gets the red bonus coin. (That way it makes and even hour and a half to stay up past her bed time).

I will let you know in a few weeks how it is working!


Ashley said...

You are so good at coming up with fun and creative motivational tools for your kids. I love it!! I hope it works. GO SADIE GO!!!

Nicole Mineer said...

SWEET IDEA! I don't think my kid would get it really well, worth a try though! You are so creative!

-Laura- said...

Oh boy does your story sounds SO familiar. Janelle is also the queen of getting up. That's a cute idea! I just might give it a try!

P.S. I tagged you on my blog. :)

Jaime said...

Awesome idea!! I wish Kason was old enough to understand that concept! I have a love hate relationship when it comes to bedtime!