Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Catching up

Lots of things have changed and happened in our family since my last post. Where to start?


Well April was a busy month. Jordyn had her fist field trip to the Tucson Zoo. I was able to get the day of work and go with her we had so much fun. There was a parent for every child so it was just her and I wondering around wherever we wanted to. It was nice to spend a day alone with my middle baby.

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For Easter we went down to the valley for the holiday my mom’s family all got together Saturday for a big picnic


All the girls playing Volley ball


Jordyn and my mom


Travis, Jacob, Katelyn and Jason


David, Jeanne, Marybeth, Annette (mom)



All the kids getting ready for the Easter Egg Hunt








Sunday best

At the end of April JC left us for 5 long weeks to do some day work for his cousins. Boy did I get a quick lesson in how to be a single mom, working with 3 kids. Not something that I ever want to have to do full time.  My parents were superstars and came down to Tombstone and watched kids for me every single day I had to work. I really would not have been able to do it if it wasn’t for my dad. i usually would not have to go in til about 10:30 but I would not get home til 7. Then to make dinner, homework, dishes, bath and bedtime our house was CRAZY!



(JC was still gone all the month of May)

Sadie was in her school play The Wizard of Oz. She was the Wicked Witch of the West, it was so cute and she did a wonderful job of memorizing all of her lines.

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Jordyn Graduated Kindergarten!! She led the program with The Pledge of Allegiance, she was so cute.




Jojo and her teacher Mrs. Gillette

On the last day of school all the kids headed down to the valley with my dad so they could stay with my parents and I could finish my last week of work.

On top of all of the crazy was still going on I had the daunting task of packing up our whole house to move. We had no idea where we were going to move but knew we had to be gone by the end of the month but we had no job yet.

Right at the end of the month JC got a call and he got the job that he had been hoping for so now we have a direction, we are moving to Payson!!!

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