Saturday, February 2, 2008

Fun with stitches

Last Saturday we woke up as usual and before JC left to work he asked me what I was going to do today, I said nothing, just have a nice boring Saturday. Well 2 hours later I was in the Family room with Cody and the crawled over to a shelf I have and started shaking it. I had 4 THICK glass cups on the top shelf and one of them came craching down and hit him right on the forhead. I rushed him to the ER (well my Grandad rushed us) and the Doctor decided to just put that super glue stuff on it. The nurse said it really should have stitches but what the Doc says goes. We drove home and cody yet down for a nap. About an hour later he woke up screaming, he had bumped his head on the crib and split it open agian so we had to go back so that they could stitch it up. What an exciting day!!!


Jaime said...

Oh my! 2 ER visits in one day-not sure if I could take that! Poor little Cody!

Maren said...

Damn Doc... sometimes don't you wish they'd listen to nurses. Poor lil' guy. HE is still darling even with a banged up head. I can't wait to see you guys next weekend.

Norris Family said...

Geez that sounds like a tramatic day, for both you and Cody. And its not like the hospital is just around the corner either. I guess I should count my many blessing that with two boys I have experienced stitches yet, almost with Cole when we were in Idaho when he tore his mouth up, which was a close call, but no stitches yet. Knock on wood. I am sure there is time, Eugene broke his leg a few inches from his hip bone and a couple more places when he was four, Cole just turned four so we will see how unscathed we can go this year.

Nicole Mineer said...

I still feel sorry for you after that one! So glad about the good news you gave me the other night, after you scared the crap out of me!