Thursday, March 31, 2011

Daddy daughter date night

JC is really good about spending time with his girls. He loves to do special little things alone with them so they get one-on-one time with him. If they do well in school or have done a good job with chores or just need a little attention he will grab one of them aside and tell them they get do have a “Daddy daughter day” with him, it usually just consists of staying up late and getting in PJ’s and watching whatever it is they want or going into town for ice cream.

The girls love it and feel so special when they get a turn.

Jojo got to have one the other night. They watched her favorite show America’s Funniest Video’s and got ice cream in bed, if you know JC you would know what a treat it is if dad lets them eat anywhere besides the table.




What a good man he is!! Our girls will treasure the memories of special time with him forever.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sunday mornin’ shave

Cody comes into our bathroom almost every Sunday before church to shave. He is very particular about it and has to have his shirt off and a towel down in front of the sink. And he will only shave on JC’s side of the bathroom!

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He has his technique down


He nicked himself


“No more whiskers”

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Branding March 2011

Just a bunch of pictures maybe over load sorry

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Cody is 4, JC is 33!!

We had Cody and JC birthday in St. Johns this year

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Cody birthday

Ashley made this neat cake for him. Cody would call her everyday and ask about his cake. He loved it.

For JC’s birthday we stoped at La Casita in globe for lunch on the way home from St. Johns, it was soo yummy!

Happy Birthday to my favorite boys in the whole world!! I love you both so much

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Christmas 2010

This Christmas we stayed here on the ranch and JC’s family came to us. Heather brought her friend Amanda and her little boy Jacobi with her. That was interesting since she has never celebrated a Christmas before, it was kind of fun to have them be with our family.Val,  Millie and Keegan, the now favorite Uncle, also where here.

Christmas eve we did our, well my, traditional Mexican food. Keegan made Pasole that was sooo yummy! I made rice and beans, taquitos and Val brought tamales. Also we had tons of sweets of course

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That night we played so gamed and read the Nativity and The Living Christ. The elves were bringing PJ’s through out the night to everyone there too.


Keegan was so surprised when the elves rang the door bell and there was a package for him too, nice jammies Keegan.


everyone in PJ’s


Papa reading the Nativity


The kids sang us a few songs, even Jacobi got in on it.


Milk and cookie for Santa and carrots for his reindeer.

That night we were up til about 12:30 getting things ready while the kids were dreaming of sugar plums. We just fell asleep and I hear Sadie waking everyone else up at about 1. I finally got her back to sleep by about 2 and they were up at 6:30 to open presents.

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Then my camera died on me.

We had such a wonderful time! It was fun to have everyone together!!!