Friday, March 18, 2011

Sadie’s 9th

Okay I finally remembered to pick up so batteries for my camera! So I got all my pictures from Dec ‘10 off of it and on to my computer!

Sadie turned 9 on December 15. That same night she had her Christmas program at school so it was a rushed birthday. They got home from the bus at 4 and we had to leave the house by 6 so we could make it in time. We opened her presents when she got home from school.



After that we ate her favorite dinner, Chicken Alfredo (aunt Kellies recipe). Then we rushed to the school to watch her sing.


(it is blurry I couldn’t snap a good one that night)

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Cody, Papa and Jojo watching.

When we got home we had one of her favorite desserts, pudding cake for her birthday cake.

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Happy Birthday sweet girl, we are so blessed to be a part of your life!!!

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