Thursday, March 31, 2011

Daddy daughter date night

JC is really good about spending time with his girls. He loves to do special little things alone with them so they get one-on-one time with him. If they do well in school or have done a good job with chores or just need a little attention he will grab one of them aside and tell them they get do have a “Daddy daughter day” with him, it usually just consists of staying up late and getting in PJ’s and watching whatever it is they want or going into town for ice cream.

The girls love it and feel so special when they get a turn.

Jojo got to have one the other night. They watched her favorite show America’s Funniest Video’s and got ice cream in bed, if you know JC you would know what a treat it is if dad lets them eat anywhere besides the table.




What a good man he is!! Our girls will treasure the memories of special time with him forever.

1 comment:

jay said...

Now I could go for a daddy-daughter-date like that! Ben and Jerry's! J.C. you're doing a good job!