Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gathering and Shipping


Here are a bunch of pictures from when Spence Trey and ‘White (as Cody calls him) came to gather the Platt cows and ship them back home (Nov 2010). Cody had a blast he loves working. The girls were both at school and missed out on the fun

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After everything was gathered up they had to sort the cows from the calves so they could be loaded onto the trucks

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The truckers were very nice  to Cody, they let him get up in the trucks and blow the horns. They also took him into the trailer and showed him how the compartments moved around to get the cattle on the top and in the bottom of the trucks.

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After a long day we all felt like this!


1 comment:

Marcie Ashton said...

I can't believe how big Cody is getting! What a cutie! Hope you are all doing well.