Monday, September 13, 2010



Cody went to work with JC this morning. I got the go ahead from the little boss that I could come with, I never know with him.


Here JC and Cody are loading salt in the truck


Cody climbed up the tank alone to check water, yup there’s water


and of course this blow snake he was so cool looking. I had to nudge him out of the road so we could go about our day.


Annette said...

YOU? Nudged him out of the road?? What happened to the girl that would scream if there was a cricket or grasshopper in the room? Like I said, you're my little Annie Oakley.

mplatt said...

Jen and JC:
Don't know if this will post, but it is so fun to see your little family and that beautiful ranch. maybe by this time it is not as green, but let me tell you, compared to where I am, it is beautiful. Be careful with the snakes!

Joele and Matt said...

Love this post. Cody is such a little man that sure does love his daddy! Too sweet:)